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Session Entitlements for Autodesk Configurator 360

A session (“Session”) is a unit of measure applicable to the consumption of Autodesk Configurator 360 cloud services. A Session is required to enable a Customer’s products and services, which have been published, catalogued and configured by Customer, to be accessed and viewed by end-users (“End-users”), via Autodesk Configurator 360 on web-pages over the internet. Activities such as configuring a design, downloading various formats and requesting a quote, which are performed by an End-user via Autodesk Configurator 360 within a Session, are included in that Session. Customers may be granted Session allocations in various circumstances (e.g. when they purchase a certain level or type of Autodesk Configurator 360 cloud service) These allocations may vary by type and level of Autodesk Configurator 360 service or subscription. Sessions have a number of attributes which are set out in more detail below.

Current Session attributes (as of 7 February 2016) are as set out in the following table.



Session Starts

When an End-User first opens a Customer’s design on web-pages over the internet via Autodesk Configurator 360.

Session Ends

The earlier of:

When an End-user opens a new Customer design on web pages over the internet via Autodesk Configurator 360Opens, thereby starting a new Session; or

When the End-user closes the browser tab or window after viewing a Session, or navigates away from the current Session to another web-page.

When A Session remains in active for 30 consecutive minutes.

When an End-user closes, or signs out of, a Session

Effective Date

From purchase and allocation to a specific Autodesk Configurator 360 subscription contract.

Expiration Date

Automatically expire on termination or expiration of the term of the applicable Autodesk Configurator 360 subscription contract during which they have been allocated. Sessions do not carry over to subsequent terms of a contract, even if that contract has been renewed for subsequent terms.

Autodesk may change usage rates, attributes and/or allocations for Sessions from time to time.  Sessions may not be sold, bartered, traded, transferred or exchanged and will expire according to their respective attributes set out above.  From time to time, Autodesk may allow use of Sessions in excess of allocated entitlement or designated expiration date.  This does not imply continued use rights at these levels or beyond designated expiration date.  For variable usage rates, Autodesk will endeavor to notify users of anticipated usage prior to running the service.